
Nix Hackers

686 Members
For people hacking on the Nix package manager itself156 Servers

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25 Oct 2021
@replaycoding_:matrix.orgReplayCoding joined the room.00:09:28
26 Oct 2021
@grahamc:nixos.orggrahamcchanged room power levels.01:16:46
@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Bot unbanned @kreyren:tchncs.dekreyren.01:23:35
@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Bot changed their display name from mjolnir to NixOS Moderation Bot.02:00:15
@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Bot set a profile picture.02:00:32
@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Bot changed their profile picture.02:23:47
@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Bot changed their profile picture.02:33:16
@-chi:matrix.orgmrmr changed their display name from -chi to mrmr.05:21:21
@mymymatrix:matrix.orgmymymatrix joined the room.09:21:19
27 Oct 2021
@trofi:matrix.orgtrofi Does :e ... work for you in nixUnstable? I tried with EDITOR=nano and it does not seem to render any nano UI for me. nix edit ... works fine for comparison. 23:05:01
28 Oct 2021
@moritz.hedtke:matrix.orgmoritz.hedtke joined the room.00:34:42
@Las:matrix.orgLas trofi: It fails for me when I use kakoune too: Fatal error: stdout is not a tty. I just do EDITOR=footclient kak for Nix. 10:09:39
29 Oct 2021
@timdeh:matrix.orgnrdxp left the room.03:48:20
@fedx:matrix.orgfedx joined the room.19:26:42
30 Oct 2021
@jeonwh:matrix.orgjeonwh joined the room.11:06:24
31 Oct 2021
@zbioe:matrix.orgzbioe joined the room.18:11:49
@toonn:matrix.orgtoonn changed their profile picture.20:19:07
1 Nov 2021
@niksnut:matrix.orgniksnutUnless there are major objections, I'd like to release Nix 2.4 today.10:00:46
@toonn:matrix.orgtoonn : O \o/ 11:22:59
@nirahv:matrix.orgnirahv joined the room.11:37:18

niksnut: I think something broke in the nix build channel example :)

    nix build -f ‘’ hello
@toonn:matrix.orgtoonn That should probably be '<nixpkgs>' like it used to be? 21:36:30
@niksnut:matrix.orgniksnutfixed them, thanks21:44:51
2 Nov 2021
@enzime:nixos.devEnzime niksnut: https://releases.nixos.org/?prefix=nix/nix-2.4/ is there meant to be a nix-2.4.tar.xz? 01:16:16
@roberthensing:matrix.orgRobert Hensing (roberth) Enzime: > We no longer release source tarballs. If you want to build from source, please build from the tags in the Git repository. 07:49:52
@roberthensing:matrix.orgRobert Hensing (roberth)https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/9d5c985aedcf7d11a5310eae6f27dcde8eb7f608/doc/manual/src/release-notes/rl-2.4.md07:49:58
@abathur:matrix.orgabathurNot sure if this is from the same person, but https://lobste.rs/s/cumwee/nix_2_4_released#c_vnyhli07:53:34
@bew:matrix.orgbewhmm is it me or fetchTree is not documented anywhere yet?13:14:47

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