
NixOS Security Triage

631 Members
Coordination and triage of security issues in nixpkgs196 Servers

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29 Aug 2021
@moritz.hedtke:matrix.orgmoritz.hedtkehttps://hydra.nixos.org/eval/1700096 was the previous one - I just mislooked and thought 5k instead of 50k where missing13:40:15
In reply to @andreas.schraegle:helsinki-systems.de
Since 50k builds are still queued, they evidently weren't built in previous evaluations
that's not quite true hydra doesn't know when scheduling if the outputs are built already, if they have been built already they will be substituted of course
@andreas.schraegle:helsinki-systems.deajs124they will also be marked as succeeded, failed, cancelled or whatever by the queue runner14:16:31
31 Aug 2021
@nullrequest:matrix.orgnullrequest(she/her) changed their display name from nullrequest to nullrequest(she/her).04:11:40
31 Dec 2021
@pepe:matrix.giugl.iopeppino changed their display name from ErPepone to peppino.10:48:43
31 Aug 2021
@gilganix:matrix.org-(š¯•‚eloĻ„)- changed their profile picture.04:12:56
@pepe:matrix.giugl.iopeppino left the room.15:24:41
1 Sep 2021
@el_zarco:matrix.orgEl_Zarco joined the room.19:55:10
@el_zarco:matrix.orgEl_Zarco changed their display name from Sol Reynolds to El_Zarco.19:55:54
2 Sep 2021
@jkarlson:kapsi.fiEmil Karlson joined the room.11:14:26
@jkarlson:kapsi.fiEmil Karlsonhttps://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/136457 security issues in ntfs-3g, not sure if should tag and how to do it11:15:05
@jkarlson:kapsi.fiEmil Karlsonprobably should go to stable also11:15:12
@jkarlson:kapsi.fiEmil Karlsonmaytbe I am not allowed to add tags11:15:46
@jkarlson:kapsi.fiEmil Karlsonthanks11:21:36
@noch3:matrix.orgElliotWhy is default bash on NixOS compiled with --enable-net-redirections support??17:12:35
@noch3:matrix.orgElliotFor reference: https://www.gnucitizen.org/blog/reverse-shell-with-bash/17:13:42
@noch3:matrix.orgElliotJoel Nordell showed me this.17:14:26
@janne.hess:helsinki-systems.dedas_jBecause it's useful?17:35:16
@noch3:matrix.orgElliot das_j: Useful for what? 17:53:42
@janne.hess:helsinki-systems.dedas_jDoing TCP without a subprocess17:53:57
@janne.hess:helsinki-systems.dedas_j Why is that any worse than nix-shell -p nc? 17:54:25
@janne.hess:helsinki-systems.dedas_j * Why is that any worse than nix-shell -p nc in your opinion? 17:54:31
@noch3:matrix.orgElliot das_j: I guess in some sense Nix has it worse since you can get nc into a shell without root. 18:04:07
@dandellion:dodsorf.asDandellionyou can get nc into a shell without root anywhere20:56:19
@janne.hess:helsinki-systems.dedas_j Security that is based on the existence of packages is laughable. Nothing prevents me from building a static nc that will run on any Linux 21:24:39
@noch3:matrix.orgElliotGood point.21:25:26
3 Sep 2021
@mic92:nixos.devMic92 With enable -f one can also add arbitrary code and access the socket api: https://github.com/taviso/ctypes.sh/blob/6982e6cb226502cb89173fb272b3ef0438e593c4/ctypes.sh.in#L17 13:49:49
@mic92:nixos.devMic92 * With enable -f in bash one can also add arbitrary code and access the socket api: https://github.com/taviso/ctypes.sh/blob/6982e6cb226502cb89173fb272b3ef0438e593c4/ctypes.sh.in#L17 13:49:57
@mic92:nixos.devMic92Lol, we could use this in nixpkgs/stdenv :) https://github.com/taviso/ctypes.sh/blob/6982e6cb226502cb89173fb272b3ef0438e593c4/src/ctypes.c#L16 please don't do this13:53:11
@noch3:matrix.orgElliot Mic92: wow. 14:38:57

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