

841 Members
Rooms about Nix which aren't administered by the Nix Foundation.250 Servers

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2 Sep 2022
@nixuser:catgirl.cloudnixuser 12:14:25
@kity:kity.wtfproblems changed their display name from ash (it/its) 🏳️‍⚧️ to problems.14:06:34
5 Sep 2022
@plutoisnotblue:matrix.orgplutoisnotblue joined the room.09:54:51
@pawrsley:matrix.orgpawrsley changed their profile picture.18:53:26
6 Sep 2022
@king_krimson:matrix.orgking_krimson joined the room.13:50:03
7 Sep 2022
@alexandre:iooss.frAlexandre joined the room.09:41:31
8 Sep 2022
@rimuru:gentoo.chatRimuru changed their profile picture.14:10:16
@industrialrobot:matrix.orgIndustrialRobot (she/her) changed their display name from industrialrobot to IndustrialRobot (she/her).21:02:17
9 Sep 2022
@davsanchez:matrix.orgDavSanchez set a profile picture.20:04:59
10 Sep 2022
@aruzeta:matrix.orgaruZeta changed their profile picture.11:38:01
11 Sep 2022
@wuyoli:aria-net.orgwuyoli joined the room.12:08:13
12 Sep 2022
@jhulten:matrix.orgjhulten left the room.22:01:23
14 Sep 2022
@rttti:matrix.orgRobert Timm left the room.06:42:03
15 Sep 2022
@snakemap-navigation:matrix.orgsnakemap-navigation joined the room.05:29:39
@m_algery:leohoo.xyzm_algery joined the room.11:47:45
@m_algery:leohoo.xyzm_algery left the room.11:47:51
@canony:canony.xyzcanony joined the room.23:01:10
16 Sep 2022
@pvn:matrix.orgpvn joined the room.06:16:18
@max:privatevoid.netMax joined the room.13:20:45
19 Sep 2022
@vknemsara:matrix.orgvknemsara joined the room.20:44:38
20 Sep 2022
@bl1nk:matrix.orgbl1nk left the room.16:15:32
21 Sep 2022
@germannr4:matrix.orgGerman Nr4 joined the room.08:43:36
27 Sep 2022
@artemist:artem.istartemist (old) changed their display name from artemist 🏳️‍⚧️ to artemist (old).19:29:06
28 Sep 2022
@coolshaurya:community.rscoolshaurya changed their profile picture.17:33:49
@pawrsley:matrix.orgpawrsley changed their profile picture.19:43:33
29 Sep 2022
@rimuru:gentoo.chatRimuru changed their profile picture.21:33:50
30 Sep 2022
@talyz:matrix.orgtalyz joined the room.09:11:51
@talyz:matrix.orgtalyz left the room.09:28:52
1 Oct 2022
@notcallip:ckie.devQuills joined the room.16:02:50
4 Oct 2022
@tmhalser:nitro.chatT.M. Halser joined the room.03:58:11

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