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26 Jul 2024
@sigmanificient:matrix.orgSigmanificientYeah that no problem21:57:45
@sigmanificient:matrix.orgSigmanificientOh I thouht nose3 was a successor to nose, but seems like it there is a bit more to it22:02:10
@sigmanificient:matrix.orgSigmanificient* Oh I thought nose3 was a successor to nose, but seems like it there is a bit more to it22:02:27
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyit was, once 🫠22:05:03
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilythere's also nose2, which is neither the version before nose3 nor a Python 2 thing22:05:28
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilybasically if something really needs nose then our nose package is the best it gets, but really nothing should be on any variant of nose, so ideally either we'd patch it out and send it upstream if they're active or remove the package22:06:30
@emilazy:matrix.orgemily(actually I think nose2 might be active-ish, but ~nothing uses it)22:06:50
@sigmanificient:matrix.orgSigmanificientYeah I guess I need to do some patching22:08:49
@emilazy:matrix.orgemily I wouldn't default to patching. most of the things depending on nose either don't actually need it (already removed upstream in our current or a newer version), only use it as a test runner (so pytestCheckHook works out of the box), or are old and abandoned and used by very little or nothing in-tree 22:09:37
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilydropping will often be better than patching here, though there are of course exceptions (active upstream we can send patches to that just hasn't gotten around to removing nose yet; required by too many important things to just drop)22:10:19
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilythere are judgement calls so if you're not sure what to do about a given package it's ok to just reroll and try another one that will probably have a simpler resolution22:10:40
@sigmanificient:matrix.orgSigmanificientRedacted or Malformed Event23:30:00
@sigmanificient:matrix.orgSigmanificient* I guess the fact it has no maintainers is in favor of dropping python312Packages.tempita?23:30:09
@sigmanificient:matrix.orgSigmanificientRedacted or Malformed Event23:35:06
@cleverca22:matrix.orgcleverca22https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/330296 this fixes some systemd issues that came up in the staging branch but i'm not sure if they should go into staging or staging-next anybody have some comments?23:55:41
27 Jul 2024
In reply to @sigmanificient:matrix.org
I guess the fact it has no maintainers is in favor of dropping python312Packages.tempita?
maintainers field in nixpkgs is an imaginary concept, most don't have commit access anyway
@hexa:lossy.networkhexayeah, the maintainer role is not quite where we want it to be 🙂 03:05:43
@hexa:lossy.networkhexahttps://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-merge-bot is currently allowing maintainer merges for r-ryantm merge requests by maintainers when the package is in the by-name path03:06:47
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyon a full moon03:10:01
In reply to @cleverca22:matrix.org
this fixes some systemd issues that came up in the staging branch
but i'm not sure if they should go into staging or staging-next

anybody have some comments?
Lovely seeing you around, clever! o/
In reply to @cleverca22:matrix.org
this fixes some systemd issues that came up in the staging branch
but i'm not sure if they should go into staging or staging-next

anybody have some comments?
do you know what change specifically caused it?
@winston:milli.ngwinstonMy matrix client/server dislike me. This room name borked on my end, what room is this? 04:01:12
@ity:itycodes.orgTranquil ItyNixpkgs / NixOS contributions04:03:38
@winston:milli.ngwinston left the room.04:03:55
@winston:milli.ngwinston joined the room.04:04:17
@philiptaron:matrix.orgPhilip Taron (UTC-8)Redacted or Malformed Event04:05:53
@philiptaron:matrix.orgPhilip Taron (UTC-8) * Winter (she/her): absolutely no rudeness, I just have a damned quality of trying to get small things through or not through. 04:06:06
In reply to @winter:catgirl.cloud
do you know what change specifically caused it?
several units are now optional upstream, and dont exist if you build systemd without systemd-boot
@cleverca22:matrix.orgcleverca22and systemd was just updated on staging05:14:03

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