
NixOS Matrix Suggestions

273 Members
Actionable suggestions for the Matrix space. Please hold discussion in #matrix-discussion:nixos.org, then bring the suggestion and context here. | https://pad.lassul.us/Nix-Matrix-Suggestions#99 Servers

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24 May 2021
In reply to @grahamc:nixos.org
naming these things is so hard, I really really really hope Matrix finds a way to associate grouping metadata wit the display soon

This is a hard problem because a room can be a member of multiple spaces. There has been some talk about a room's "main space" which may help but I think this is way down the road.

For now I generally try to name a room based on how you would like it to show up in your room list, so generally a short uniqueish string first, then a suffix with a "group" like Nix or NixOS. Then I like to put some disambiguation in the topic. This seems to be fairly well expected but I assume it isn't universal.

@kevincox:matrix.orgkevincox * This is a hard problem because a room can be a member of multiple spaces. There has been some talk about a room's "main space" which may help but I think this is way down the road. For now I generally try to name a room based on how you would like it to show up in your room list, so generally a short uniqueish string first, then a suffix with a "group" like Nix or NixOS. Then I like to put some disambiguation in the topic. This seems to be fairly well accepted but I assume it isn't universal.12:11:23
@domenkozar:matrix.orgDomen KožarI call these things Nix ecosystem, but it's a mouthful12:12:50
@domenkozar:matrix.orgDomen KožarNix* gives it a *Nix vibe so it's slightly less vague than Nix :D12:13:14
@domenkozar:matrix.orgDomen Kožarwe should rename the project to The Nix Way and be done with it ^^12:14:54
In reply to @pinage404:matrix.org
i didn't joined the "Nix Teams" yet, but i can filter ; maybe i didn't understand what you mean
You can filter precisely because they're duplicated. If they were just in subspaces you wouldn't be able to.
@pinage404:matrix.orgpinage404so it's a "hack" to bypass a matrix issue ?12:17:24
@grahamc:nixos.org@grahamc:nixos.orgplease hold discussion elsewhere, otherwise it is very difficult to keep up with requests12:27:00
@grahamc:nixos.org@grahamc:nixos.org * please hold discussion elsewhere, otherwise it is very difficult to keep up with requests (I think this came off a bit grumpier than I intended. I'm not grumpy about it :) just a periodic reminder)12:28:48
@7c6f434c:nitro.chat7c6f434cSuggestion: create a room specifically for discussions of suggestions and directly related issues, to remove doubt what is the most fitting room. (I guess replacing «elsewhere» with a specific room link would also work).12:29:09
@grahamc:nixos.org@grahamc:nixos.org great idea: #matrix-discussion:nixos.org :D 12:30:41
@grahamc:nixos.org@grahamc:nixos.org changed the room topic to "" from "".12:43:28
@jez:petrichor.meJez (he/him) left the room.15:04:16
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenke joined the room.15:58:43
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenkePlease create a #robotnix channel and make @danielrf:matrix.org the admin. For context, robotnix is a framework to build Android (AOSP) images using Nix. https://github.com/danielfullmer/robotnix Daniel also presented this work at NixCon 2020.16:00:16
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenke * Please create a #robotnix:nixos.org channel and make @danielrf:matrix.org the admin. For context, robotnix is a framework to build Android (AOSP) images using Nix. https://github.com/danielfullmer/robotnix Daniel also presented this work at NixCon 2020.16:01:13
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenke * Please create a #robotnix:nixos.org channel and make @danielrf:matrix.org the admin.
For context, robotnix is a framework to build Android (AOSP) images using Nix. https://github.com/danielfullmer/robotnix
Daniel also presented this work at NixCon 2020. https://cfp.nixcon.org/nixcon2020/talk/AK98WZ/
The current chat is on the #robotnix channel on Freenode. Logs are here: https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/robotnix/
@kevincox:matrix.orgkevincoxMaybe we should create a sub-space for "community rooms" and we can basically add anything there? They we can promote rooms if they are popular enough or meet some criteria? I think the real question is what is the main point of having the room have a name at nixos.org? Why not just create a room and link to it from your project page. Are you expecting that people using your project will just be browsing the room directory and decide to join?16:05:21
@philipp:xndr.dephilipp That one already exists: #community-rooms:nixos.org 16:08:13
@grahamc:nixos.org@grahamc:nixos.org #robotnix:nixos.org hmenke 16:44:32
@srid:matrix.orgsrid joined the room.17:30:12
@0x4a6f:matrix.org[0x4A6F] joined the room.18:48:44
@kraem:ne.bul.aekraem what would everyone think of having something like #{feed,updates,{^_^}}:nixos.org for when {^_^} raises from the ashes? 18:53:05
@kraem:ne.bul.aekraemto not pollute the main channel that is18:57:53
@kraem:ne.bul.aekraem * what would everyone think of having something like #{feed,updates,{^_^}}:nixos.org for when {^_^} rises from the ashes? 18:59:32
@samueldr:matrix.orgsamueldr joined the room.19:07:29
In reply to @kraem:ne.bul.ae
what would everyone think of having something like #{feed,updates,{^_^}}:nixos.org for when {^_^} rises from the ashes?
one channel is probably enough for this info
@sandro:supersandro.deSandroalso can we use a name that you can easily type and is not only special characters?19:43:32
In reply to @kraem:ne.bul.ae
what would everyone think of having something like #{feed,updates,{^_^}}:nixos.org for when {^_^} rises from the ashes?
* one channel is probably enough for this info. Otherwise it clutters your rooms and is probably not the best for syncing either.

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