19 May 2021 |
| aaronjanse joined the room. | 19:09:26 |
| Finn Behrens joined the room. | 19:09:57 |
| [0x4A6F] joined the room. | 19:12:19 |
| Matrix Traveler (bot) joined the room. | 20:03:32 |
| srid joined the room. | 20:10:25 |
| Roos joined the room. | 20:14:03 |
| Jez (he/him) joined the room. | 20:36:13 |
| 7c6f434c joined the room. | 21:02:35 |
| risson joined the room. | 21:05:26 |
| talyz joined the room. | 21:19:43 |
| sumner changed their display name from Sumner Evans to sumner. | 21:32:52 |
| abgn joined the room. | 21:41:02 |
| l3af joined the room. | 22:34:43 |
| Judson joined the room. | 22:38:35 |
| utdemir joined the room. | 23:08:12 |
| Xe joined the room. | 23:13:54 |
| evhan joined the room. | 23:52:39 |
20 May 2021 |
| brongulus joined the room. | 00:09:17 |
| jul1u5 joined the room. | 00:18:36 |
| figsoda joined the room. | 00:20:17 |
| Mark joined the room. | 00:38:24 |
| Rameez Khan joined the room. | 03:16:20 |
| Akshay joined the room. | 03:23:58 |
| Stéphan joined the room. | 05:04:26 |
| siraben joined the room. | 05:49:30 |
| colemickens joined the room. | 06:18:35 |
| srhb joined the room. | 06:23:05 |
| Synthetica joined the room. | 07:19:54 |
| John Ericson joined the room. | 08:09:32 |
| Rien joined the room. | 08:22:50 |