

1016 Members
260 Servers

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29 Sep 2023
@angel-matrix:matrix.orgghost left the room.18:46:22
@bobymcbobs:matrix.orgcalebwoodbine joined the room.20:09:26
@bobymcbobs:matrix.orgcalebwoodbine changed their display name from bobymcbobs to calebwoodbine.20:16:29
30 Sep 2023
@marwri:matrix.orgmarwri joined the room.04:31:57
@snaki:kescher.atemily changed their profile picture.09:56:37
@cafkafk:gitter.imChristina Sørensen changed their profile picture.15:56:02
@ruthcomputes:matrix.orgruthcomputes joined the room.20:58:09
@logimox:matrix.orgAndreas Fjärrwall joined the room.21:05:14
1 Oct 2023
@rwx-rwx-rwx:matrix.orgrwx-rwx-rwx joined the room.09:33:43
@evils:nixos.devevils joined the room.14:19:41
@ThorHop:matrix.orghopland (glib gary) changed their display name from hopland (negative nancy) to hopland (positive pete).17:20:11
@yaya:uwu.isyaya joined the room.17:23:18
@ThorHop:matrix.orghopland (glib gary) changed their display name from hopland (positive pete) to hopland (ambivalent andy).17:44:01
2 Oct 2023
@jceb:matrix.orgJC (Jan Christoph Ebersbach) joined the room.10:02:18
@winston:milli.ngwinston changed their profile picture.20:23:11
3 Oct 2023
@winston:milli.ngwinston 13:36:59
@ultra:beeper.comultra (NixOS integrated with PackageKit wen) joined the room.15:46:27
@pederbs:pvv.ntnu.nopbsds changed their profile picture.21:05:02
4 Oct 2023
@girardj:inpt.frZempashi changed their display name from Julien Girardin to Zempashi.08:32:55
@rickbonavigo:matrix.orgrickbonavigo joined the room.16:13:49
@kazimk:matrix.orgkazimk joined the room.17:08:19
@aruzicka:matrix.org@aruzicka:matrix.org joined the room.19:33:24
@jade:the-apothecary.clubquartz joined the room.20:28:18
@fack:cyberia.clubfack changed their profile picture.21:44:36
@pederbs:pvv.ntnu.nopbsds changed their profile picture.22:20:49
@ThorHop:matrix.orghopland (glib gary) changed their display name from hopland (ambivalent andy) to hopland (glib gary).23:16:41
6 Oct 2023
@ultra:beeper.comultra (NixOS integrated with PackageKit wen) changed their display name from Alex S to ultra (NixOS integrated with PackageKit wen).16:30:03
@outfoxxed:matrix.orgoutfoxxed joined the room.22:59:44
7 Oct 2023
@ulli:hrnz.lihrnz left the room.11:08:07
@zimmi48:nixos.devThéo Zimmermann joined the room.16:48:31

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