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13 Jul 2024
@imincik:matrix.orgIvan Mincik (imincik) joined the room.07:40:45
@imincik:matrix.orgIvan Mincik (imincik) Hi, is it possible to restart this job which has failed due to a failing test and is causing heaps of reverse dependencies not being cached ? Thanks 07:43:41
15 Jul 2024
@dminca:matrix.orgdminca changed their display name from dminca to nixpkgs.17:28:58
@dminca:matrix.orgdminca changed their display name from nixpkgs to dminca.17:42:35
16 Jul 2024
@thobys:inpt.fr@thobys:inpt.fr left the room.10:33:55
@marius851000:mariusdavid.frMarius changed their display name from Burrito (Marius) to Marius.12:20:50
17 Jul 2024
@imincik:matrix.orgIvan Mincik (imincik)We are working on collecting the list of flaky GDAL tests which will be disabled - https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/32732315:54:36
@hexa:lossy.networkhexathis room is about hydra development16:14:33
20 Jul 2024
@felixfahrbahn:matrix.org@felixfahrbahn:matrix.org left the room.17:51:27
21 Jul 2024
@mangoiv.:matrix.org@mangoiv.:matrix.org left the room.08:26:38
22 Jul 2024
@oliver.falvai:oliverfalvai.xyz@oliver.falvai:oliverfalvai.xyz left the room.06:18:14
23 Jul 2024

Hello. I would like to use Hydra for PR preview on a (self-hosted) GitLab instance that involve running, for each MR:

  1. Compiling the site (with a Nix flake)
  2. Creating a pinned link to that output in a folder with one link per built derivation, that will be served by NGINX (with whatever security is needed to avoid path traversal)
  3. Post a link to that URL back in GitLab somehow

I’ve seen there’s some GitLab support in Hydra, but the documentation is rather sparse. Would there be an example repo or configuration?

@k900:0upti.meK900Does it really need to be Hydra07:37:35
@k900:0upti.meK900This feels like something you can do with just running Nix in a container07:37:45
@k900:0upti.meK900And Gitlab Pages07:37:48
@marius851000:mariusdavid.frMariusThat mean I’ll have to figure out how those works. But I’ll take a look. (also, I found that nixos-mailserver at least show how to perform task 1: https://gitlab.com/nix17/nixos-mailserver)07:41:13
@marius851000:mariusdavid.frMariusRedacted or Malformed Event07:49:06
@marius851000:mariusdavid.frMarius * Meh, it seems GitLab pages does not have clean per-pr page hosting. Like GitHub. Where I used an ugly, probably not secure enought, hack. 07:49:25
@k900:0upti.meK900Honestly, Hydra is just not the right tool for this07:51:24
@marius851000:mariusdavid.frMariusActually, it appears the Hydra doc is deployed via Hydra, which can serve build artifact (I actually think it could work. I’ll go experiment with that and share my success of failure)08:11:26
@k900:0upti.meK900I would really not recommend spending much time on this approach08:14:03
@k900:0upti.meK900Hydra is a NixOS-sized solution for a NixOS-sized problem08:14:10
@ezzobirbezziou:matrix.orgEzzobir Bezziou joined the room.08:22:58
@vcunat:matrix.orgvcunatThese years we're getting a little big for the hydra's design, but that's another matter.08:31:08
@dramforever:matrix.orgdramforever joined the room.10:14:14
24 Jul 2024
@redstone-menace:matrix.orgRedstone changed their display name from redstone-menace to Redstone.10:15:48
25 Jul 2024
@dramforever:matrix.orgdramforever does hydra have support for routing builds by pname or something? trying to figure out if it's possible to route builds to machines without using requiredSystemFeatures which affects the hash 01:01:00
@vcunat:matrix.orgvcunatI don't expect it has such a feature.09:13:46
@dramforever:matrix.orgdramforeverwell, thanks for the help anyway10:00:14
@bumperboat:matrix.orgbumperboat changed their display name from bumperboat (UTC+2) to bumperboat.12:47:26

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