Welcome to the NixOS Matrix Community.
All rooms in this space are moderated, if you experience problematic behavior, please report it in #moderation:nixos.org.
Everyone is free to invite others to join this space: https://matrix.to/#/#community:nixos.org
The primary support channel for Nix/NixOS is #nix:nixos.org.
Nix / NIxOS (replaced) (#nix:nixos.org)
This room was the the Nix/NixOS help channel. It was been replaced by a new rom at #users:nixos.org.
Nix/NixOS user help channel | Latest NixOS: 24.11 (Vicuña) | Ask your question here or on https://discourse.nixos.org | All NixOS rooms are moderated! Ask for help in #moderation:nixos.org
Nix Language (#nix-lang:nixos.org)
Nix programming language
Nix Offtopic! (#offtopic:nixos.org)
NOTE: “on-topic” discussions are forbidden. This includes support, development and policy discussions about Nix, Nixpkgs, NixOS and the ecosystem.
Nix Package Manager
development (#nix-dev:nixos.org)
For people hacking on Nix: https://github.com/NixOS/nix Nix maintainers can be reached here.
NixOS Deployments (#deployments:nixos.org)
NixOS Deployment tooling
NixOS Foundation (#foundation:nixos.org)
Public room for chatting with the NixOS Foundation Board
NixOS Matrix Discussion (#matrix-discussion:nixos.org)
Discuss your proposals for the Matrix space here, before suggesting them in #matrix-suggestions:nixos.org
NixOS Matrix Suggestions (#matrix-suggestions:nixos.org)
Actionable suggestions for the Matrix space. Please hold discussion in #matrix- discussion:nixos.org, then bring the suggestion and context here. | https://pad.lassul.us/Nix-Matrix-Suggestions#
NixOS System Operations (#sysops:nixos.org)
About system administration for running NixOS systems in production. Declaratively manage your operations. | Room recommendations: #networking:nixos.org
Nixpkgs Review Requests (#review-requests:nixos.org)
Have a PR that is ready for review but remains unreviewed for a week or longer? Post it here! | Allow package maintainers a few days to respond | Reviews are not guaranteed, as most of us are volunteers | ✅ merged 👀 reviewing ❌ needs work
Community (#community-rooms:nixos.org)
Rooms about Nix which aren’t directly affiliated to the NixOS project.
These rooms are not moderated by the NixOS moderation team.
BioNix workflow system - https://github.com/PapenfussLab/BioNix
A simple, stateless NixOS deployment tool - https://github.com/zhaofengli/colmena
Support and discussion around the Home Manager project (https://github.com/nix- community/home-manager)
Nix Community Projects (#nix-community:nixos.org)
Meta discussions related to https://nix-community.org. (For project specific discussions use github issues or projects own matrix channel).
Need help from an admin? Open an issue on https://github.com/nix- community/infra/issues
Nix Gender Minorities (#gm:nixos.org)
A social channel for gender minorities in the Nix community.
To join, please knock and tell us a bit about yourself in the message. If your client does not support knocking, attempts to join this room will fail and say you are not invited. Please join #gm-invites:nixos.org and ask for an invitation there instead.
Nix Hour (#nix-hour:nixos.org)
Discussions and notifications for the weekly Nix Hour, a Nix Q&A Lecture by Tweag: https://discourse.nixos.org/t/the-nix-hour-a-weekly-nix-q-a-lecture-by- tweag/22767
NixCon 2023 Volunteers (#nixcon23-volunteers:nixos.org)
Poetry2nix (#poetry2nix:nixos.org)
https://github.com/nix-community/poetry2nix | Poetry2nix is unmaintained https://github.com/nix-community/poetry2nix/issues/1865
disko - declarative disk partitioning - https://github.com/nix-community/disko
flakelight (#flakelight:nixos.org)
microvm.nix (#microvm.nix:envs.net)
Discuss virtualized NixOS: https://github.com/astro/microvm.nix
nix-init (#nix-init:nixos.org)
nix-output-monitor (#nix-output-monitor:nixos.org)
nixpkgs-review (#nixpkgs-review:matrix.org)
nixpkgs-update (#nixpkgs-update:nixos.org)
Keeping nixpkgs up to date. r-ryantm bot. https://github.com/ryantm/nixpkgs- update and https://github.com/nix-community/infra/blob/master/build02/nixpkgs- update.nix
International (#international:nixos.org)
HispaNix (#hispanix:nixos.org)
Nix en español
Nix Community Bochum (#bochum:nixos.org)
Channel for the Nix Learning Group and other events in Bochum, Germany.
Stanza per discutere di Nix/NixOS in Italiano
Room for the Dutch Nix community, geographically or linguistically
Nix User Group
Hannover/Braunschweig/Wolfsburg (#habrawo:nixos.org)
more information: https://habrawo.nix.ug
Nix Zürich (#zurich:nixos.org)
https://zurich.nix.ug/ - Next ZHF event 24-25 May 2025
Nix ♥ la francophonie (#fr:nixos.org)
Salon francographe de NixOS
German NixOS Community | Aktuelles Release: 24.11 (Vicuña) | Dieser Channel wird öffentlicht geloggt: https://logs.nixos.dev/room/!GCEqDhXWDYnJEasssp:hackint.org/ | NixOS Meetup: Mittwoch, 19:00 Uhr: https://jitsi.lassul.us/nixos
NixOS Munich Meetup (#muenchen:nixos.org)
Meetups on the second Friday of every month, usually at muCCC
NixOS Paderborn (#paderborn:nixos.org)
Nix Community Paderborn | https://nix-paderborn.github.io | https://pad.lassul.us/J2HfNwZnRW6gf__xEoBd4Q
NixOS Portuguese (#pt:nixos.org)
Sala de Conversação sobre o ecossistema Nix em português.
Ponteada com o grupo do Telegram:
Link Matrix:
NixOS 中文 (#nixos-zhcn:nichi.co)
加群验证: https://bouncer.nichi.co 聊天记录搜索: https://luoxu.torus.icu
NixOS-Aalen (#aalen:nixos.org)
NixOS-Meetup Aalen
Oslo NixOS User Group (#oslo:nixos.org)
NEXT MEETUP: 3 Oct 2024 @ https://www.meetup.com/oslo-nixos-user- group/events/301194453
Community for Nix and NixOS users in and around Oslo. Everyone is welcome :)
Silicon Valley Nix /
NixOS User Group (#ug-svnix:nixos.org)
Silicon Valley Nix / NixOS User Group - https://www.svnix.com
Stockholm NixOS meetup group (#stockholm:nixos.org)
Monthly meetups in Stockholm, Sweden around Nix releated topics(nixos.org)
nixos.at - Nix(OS) meetups in Graz, Vienna and elsewhere in Austria; in German and English.
nixos-stuttgart (#nixos-stuttgart:matrix.org)
Meetup jeden zweiten Dienstag im Monat ab 19:00 im shackspace oder Helsinki- Systems und jeden Mittwoch um 19:00 - 23:00 auf Mumble: nix-shell -p mumble –run “mumble mumble://$USER@lassul.us/nixos”
Schneit doch mal rein! :)
Initial-Meetup 2022-08-09 ab 19:00 bei Helsinki-Systems (Industriestraße 24B, 70565 Stuttgart)
2022-09-08 ab 19:00 im shackspace (Ulmer Straße 300, 70327 Stuttgart)
next meetup: https://pad.lassul.us/NixOS-meetup#Agenda-2024-05-14
upcoming meetup: https://pad.lassul.us/NixOS-meetup#Agenda-2024-06-11
❄️ Nix Da(rmstadt) (#darmstadt:nixos.org)
Nächstes Treffen: 07.04.2025.(https://md.darmstadt.ccc.de/nixda-202503) | Dekoratives Systemmanagement. How dare you … wenn Nix hilft | Use
for silly sentiments. | https://nix-cheatsheet.pixie.homes
Teams (#teams:nixos.org)
Rooms for specific subsystems, architecture targets, and other projects.
None (#nixos-on-arm:nixos.org)
NixOS on ARM — Support: AArch64 is supported and cached; armv6 and armv7 are best effort, without any official cache. — Documentation: https://wiki.nixos.org/wiki/NixOS_on_ARM — Community build box: https://github.com/nix-community/aarch64-build-box → build box status: https://status.nixos.org/grafana/d/5LANB9pZk/per-instance- metrics?orgId=1&refresh=30s&var-instance= —
The Hydra CI software. For things about https://hydra.nixos.org please see #infrastructure:nixos.org.
Nix / NixOS - SLSA (#slsa:nixos.org)
Discussion around how Nix fit’s into the goals of the SLSA framework
Nix Categorization Team (#nixpkgs-categorization:matrix.org)
Room for coordinating categorization efforts in Nixpkgs.
RFC implementation tracking issue: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/360727 Current members: https://github.com/orgs/NixOS/teams/categorization Brainstorm for implementation: https://pad.lassul.us/NsC-lh9QQ6aYKPUN6evTXw Policy proposal: https://pad.lassul.us/JfswYADKTsShTjkM3pbrgw
(Room icon by SigmaSquadron)
Nix Community Survey (#survey:nixos.org)
Survey 2024: https://pad.lassul.us/qeQg2CD3TnuXubtHBXr_CQ
Nix Documentation (#docs:nixos.org)
This is the official channel for documentation in the Nix ecosystem.
The documentation team meets here. More information: https://nixos.org/community/teams/documentation
Video conference: https://jitsi.lassul.us/nix-documentation Meeting notes scratch pad: https://pad.lassul.us/p-Y8MjU2SdSD5qO1fnpCPA Past meeting notes: https://discourse.nixos.org/search?q=documentation%20team%2 0meeting%20order%3Alatest
Nix Geospatial Team (#geospatial:nixos.org)
Nix Geospatial packages maintenance. Team board - https://github.com/orgs/NixOS/projects/47/views/1
Nix Haskell (#haskell:nixos.org)
For discussions and questions about Haskell with Nix, cabal2nix and haskellPackages in nixpkgs | Current Docs: https://nixos.org/manual/nixpkgs/unstable/#haskell | Current PR: https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+head%3Ahaskell- updates | Maintainer Docs: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/haskell- updates/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/HACKING.md | More Nix: #community:nixos.org | More Haskell: #haskell-space:matrix.org | Merger Schedule: https://cloud.maralorn.de/apps/calendar/p/H6migHmKX7xHoTFa/dayGridMonth/now | Join #haskell.nix:libera.chat for question about the alternative haskell.nix infrastructure
A room for PHP developers running on Nix
Nix community teams members (#team-members:nixos.org)
Collaboration room for all the members of a Nix community team.
Anybody can join this room and read the history, but only members of community teams can post here. Moderators can give people permission to post by granting them powerlevel 10.
https://matrix.to/#/!qPyghedoYQUdaSXHnv:hufschmitt.net/$lmbsV4lGtAwatn8prBSx3J- 64dgBr6niYolQDdLjHyY?via=nixos.org&via=matrix.org&via=hufschmitt.net
Nix on macOS (#macos:nixos.org)
“There are still many issues with the Darwin platform but most of it is quite usable.” — http://yves.gnu-darwin.org
NixCon 2024 - https://2024.nixcon.org
NixCon – Foundation board (#nixcon-foundation-board:nixos.org)
NixOS ACME / LetsEncrypt (#acme:nixos.org)
Another day, another cert renewal
NixOS Archivists (#archivists:nixos.org)
Taking care of NixOS historical build artifacts and GC. Meeting notes: https://pad.lassul.us/nixos-cache-gc
For self-hosting, see #binary-cache-selfhosting:nixos.org
NixOS Asahi (#asahi:nixos.org)
Discussions and questions about NixOS on Apple Silicon machines
CUDA packages maintenance and support in nixpkgs | https://github.com/orgs/NixOS/projects/27/ | https://nixos.org/manual/nixpkgs/unstable/#cuda
NixOS GNOME (#gnome:nixos.org)
A room for maintainers of GNOME & GNOME-adjacent desktop environments (Xfce, Cinnamon, Pantheon…)
NixOS Infra Alerts (#infra-alerts:nixos.org)
https://prometheus.nixos.org | https://grafana.nixos.org
NixOS Infrastructure (#infra:nixos.org)
Next Infra call: 2024-07-11, 18:00 CEST (UTC+2) | Infra operational issues backlog: https://github.com/orgs/NixOS/projects/52 | See #infra- alerts:nixos.org for real time alerts from Prometheus.
lxc, lxd, incus discussions related to NixOS
NixOS Marketing (#marketing:nixos.org)
NixOS website + marketing team: https://nixos.org/community/teams/marketing.html
NixOS Matrix Subsystem (#matrix-nix:transformierende-gesellschaft.org)
Coordination and discussion about the matrix subsystem in NixOS - https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Matrix
NixOS Moderation (#moderation:nixos.org)
https://nixos.org/community/teams/moderation | You can publicly report concerns in this room or privately DM any moderator. Note: Do not message the moderation bot—your messages won’t go anywhere useful. If possible, please link directly to individual messages instead of entire rooms or threads. | For discussions about moderation, see https://discourse.nixos.org/t/policy-on-discussion-of- the-moderation-process/42073
NixOS Reproducible Builds (#reproducible-builds:nixos.org)
Report: https://reproducible.nixos.org Project progress: https://github.com/orgs/NixOS/projects/30
NixOS Security Discussions (#security-discuss:nixos.org)
Discussions around Security | Triaging happens in #security:nixos.org
NixOS Security Triage (#security:nixos.org)
Coordination and triage of security issues in nixpkgs | Discussions in #security-discuss:nixos.org | Open PRs: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+sort%3Aupdated- desc+label%3A%221.severity%3A+security%22
https://wiki.nixos.org Change-Logs: #wiki-changes:nixos.org. Infra repo: https://github.com/nixos/nixos-wiki-infra meetup: Thursday 22th August, 19:15 UTC (21:15 CEST) on http://jitsi.lassul.us/nixos
NixOS on Android Terminal / AVF (#nixos-avf:nixos.org)
Getting NIxOS running on the android terminal Repo: https://github.com/nix-community/nixos-avf
NixOS systemd (#systemd:nixos.org)
NixOS ❤️ systemd
Nixpkgs Architecture (#nixpkgs-architecture:nixos.org)
Discussions about Nixpkgs’ architecture - https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/labels/architecture
Nixpkgs Compilers Team (#compilers:nixos.org)
Build runtime libraries separate from compilers proper, always!
R language and RStudio support in nixpkgs
Number of builds and evals in queue: https://ofborg.org/prometheus/graph?g0.exp r=ofborg_queue_evaluator_waiting&g0.tab=1&g0.stacked=0&g0.show_exemplars=0&g0.r ange_input=2h&g1.expr=ofborg_queue_builder_waiting%7Barch!~%22.*- lowprior%22%7D&g1.tab=1&g1.stacked=0&g1.show_exemplars=0&g1.range_input=2h
Release Management (#nixos-release-management:nixos.org)
24.11 “Vicuña” | https://nixos.github.io/release-wiki/Home.html
Stage 1 systemd (#stage1-systemd:nixos.org)
systemd in NixOs’s stage 1, replacing the current bash tooling
Staging merges | Running staging cycles: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+head%3Astaging- next+head%3Astaging-next-24.11+head%3Astaging-next-24.05+ | Review Reports: https://malob.github.io/nix-review-tools-reports/
Zulip setup coordination (#platform-governance:nixos.org)
Coordination to setup https://nixpkgs.zulipchat.com/, see https://github.com/NixOS/foundation/issues/143
Topics (#topics:nixos.org)
#nixos-anywhere (#nixos-anywhere:nixos.org)
install NixOS everywhere via ssh
Discussion around https://cachix.org
Flake Libraries (#flake-libraries:nixos.org)
Collaboration between flake libraries
Impermanence (#impermanence:nixos.org)
A room for discussing the Impermanence NixOS modules (https://github.com/nix- community/impermanence)
Nix + Doom Emacs (#doom-emacs:nixos.org)
Running Doom Emacs with Nix | You probably want https://github.com/nix- community/nix-doom-emacs
Go packaging for and with Nixpkgs. | Be excellent to each other.
Nix Bindings (#nix-bindings:nixos.org)
Nix C API https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/master/doc/manual/src/c-api.md, language-specific bindings, and their use cases (currently broken link: https://nixos.org/manual/nix/unstable/c-api)
All things Nix/Emacs!
https://github.com/nix-community/emacs-overlay | For Doom Emacs: https://matrix.to/#/#doom-emacs:nixos.org
Nix Flakes (#flakes:nixos.org)
Nix Flakes
Nix Formatting (#nix-formatting:nixos.org)
https://github.com/NixOS/rfcs/blob/master/rfcs/0166-nix-formatting.md https://github.com/serokell/nixfmt/pull/118 Meetings every two weeks at: 19:00 UTC
Meeting link: https://meet.zrh.init7.net/nix-formatting Meeting notes: https://pad.lassul.us/nix-formatting
Nix Jupyter (#jupyter:nixos.org)
Goal is to discuss and document nix code to run multikernel jupyter frontends
Nix Mozilla 🦊🐦🐒 (#mozilla:nixos.org)
A room about a number of weird animals (also known as Mozilla products): Firefox, Thunderbird, Spidermonkey, NSS, cacert. Also a little bit of fun times, small amounts of extreme, when building weird animals. But for bugs please file GitHub issues. | Release Schedule: https://whattrainisitnow.com | Crash-Stats: https://crash-stats.mozilla.org/search/?distribution_id=%3Dnixos&p roduct=Firefox&product=Thunderbird
NixCon Sponsorship Policy
Discussion (#nixcon-sponsor-discussion:nixos.org)
NixOS + Framework (#framework:nixos.org)
Discussing NixOS in the context of the Framework laptop
Exploring TPMs on NixOS
NixOS Binary Cache
Self-Hosting (#binary-cache-selfhosting:nixos.org)
About how to host a very large-scale binary cache and more
NixOS COSMIC (#cosmic:nixos.org)
A room for maintainers of COSMIC
NixOS Deployments (#deployments:nixos.org)
NixOS Deployment tooling
NixOS Gaming (#gaming:nixos.org)
Gaming things, my hands are typing words.
NixOS Home Automation (#homeautomation:nixos.org)
Declarative Home Automation and other Sidequests | https://wiki.nixos.org/wiki/Home_Assistant
NixOS Home Management (RFC-182) (#rfc-182:nixos.org)
NixOS Networking (#networking:nixos.org)
Declaratively manage your switching, routing, wireless, tunneling and more. | Don’t rely on
use systemd-networkd and NetworkManager instead. | SetSYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL=debug
to debug networking issues with networkd | No bad nft puns, please. | Room recommendations: #sysops:nixos.org
NixOS RISC-V (#riscv:nixos.org)
https://wiki.nixos.org/wiki/RISC-V https://pad.lassul.us/NixOS-riscv64-linux
NixOS Secure Boot (#secure-boot:nixos.org)
Let’s develop Secure Boot for NixOS: https://github.com/nix- community/lanzaboote
NixOS System Operations (#sysops:nixos.org)
About system administration for running NixOS systems in production. Declaratively manage your operations. | Room recommendations: #networking:nixos.org
NixOS with Xen Project
Hypervisor (#xen:nixos.org)
NixOS 💚 Xen Project | Development discussion room for Xen Project Hypervisor maintainers and users.
Xen Project Hypervisor on the NixOS Wiki: https://wiki.nixos.org/wiki/Xen_Project_Hypervisor
Upstream Xen Project Resources:
- Xen Project Matrix Room | https://matrix.to/#/#XenProject:matrix.org
- Xen Security Advisories | https://xenbits.xenproject.org/xsa/
- Xenbits | https://xenbits.xenproject.org/
Nixpkgs Python (#python:nixos.org)
Python packaging for and with Nixpkgs. | We are not involved in #dream2nix:nixos.org, mach-nix (unmaintained), #poetry2nix:nixos.org and other out-of-tree tools
Nixpkgs long term support
discussion (#lts:nixos.org)
Discussion following an initial meetup about LTS support for nixpkgs at NixCon 2024 https://pad.lassul.us/nixpkgs-lts
RFC 98 Chat (#rfc-98-chat:nixos.org)
Discussion on RFC 98 [Community Team] https://github.com/NixOS/rfcs/pull/98
Robotnix (#robotnix:nixos.org)
Build Android (AOSP) using Nix | https://github.com/nix-community/robotnix
Systems Programming (#systems-programming:nixos.org)
Kernel, stdenv, low-level hacking, patchelf, …
age-encrypted secrets for NixOS https://github.com/ryantm/agenix/
authentik-nix (#authentik-nix:nixos.org)
Chat about the Nix flake nix-community/authentik-nix. Not authentik support! :)
deploy-rs (#deploy-rs:nixos.org)
Nix deployments using deploy-rs (https://github.com/serokell/deploy-rs)
dream2nix (#dream2nix:nixos.org)
See this issue first: https://github.com/nix-community/dream2nix/issues/507 Tool: github.com/nix-community/dream2nix Packages: github.com/nix-community/dreampkgs Casual meetup every Tue 8:00 UTC: meet.jit.si/dream2nix
nix-darwin Development (#nix-darwin-dev:nixos.org)
nix-darwin internals/contributors/committers discussion – user support questions to #macos:nixos.org please · https://github.com/LnL7/nix-darwin
terranix (#terranix:nixos.org)
🥾 bootspec (#bootspec:nixos.org)